Cookie-Stuffing Targeting
Cookie-Stuffing Targeting Major Affiliate Merchants - Ben Edelman

This page reports cookie-stuffing by, targeting

As of November 4, the page was #27 in Google results for "evitamins coupon" (without quotes). The specified URL included the following JavaScript code, which opened a CJ tracking link in a new window:

<script language="javascript">
function popit(id){
var aw = 400;
var ah = 300;
var poped ="","PopUnder", "width="+aw+",height="+ah+",titlebar=1,toolbar=1,location=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,screenX=0,screenY=0,channelmode=0,directories=0,status=1", true);

The second through ninth lines of this JavaScript define a function called popit() which opens a URL in a popunder. The tenth line invokes the popit function with a CJ QKSRV tracking URL. Taken as a whole, this JavaScript opens the specified CJ link as a popunder, thereby performing cookie-stuffing.

I captured the resulting on-screen display in a video (WindowsMedia format, view in Full Screen mode). I also preserved a full packet log of these findings.

In my testing, this is but one of many affiilate web sites targeting this and other merchants. (For example, the current number one Google result for "evitamins coupon" is, which usees cookie stuffing precisely along the lines of that shown as to consumernow's targeting of Toshiba and Netzero.)