Ask Jeeves Toolbar Installs via Banner Ads at Kids Sites - Installation Screenshots
Ask Jeeves Toolbar Installs via Banner Ads at Kids Sites - Ben Edelman

All screenshots were captured in April - May 2005.

[ Banner Ad | Installation Details | Installation Prompt | Toolbar Installed | Non-SP2 Installation Prompt | ActiveX Prompt ]


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Banner Ad

Note that the Ask Jeeves banner ad appears on a kids site, Note the various kids games present on the site


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Installation Details

The result of clicking on the AJ banner ad in the preceding screenshot. Note euphemisms: "accessible directly from your web browser" rather than "web browser toolbar." Note no on-screen license agreement, no on-screen link to any such agreement.


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Installation Confirmation Prompt.

This is the installation confirmation prompt shown by Windows XP Service Pack 2. If the user presses Install, then AJ software immediately becomes installed, without further confirmation.


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New Toolbar Installed


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Non-SP2 Confirmation Prompt

Users without XP Service Pack 2 receive the installation prompt shown below. Note the lengthy, wordy link to the license agremeent. If a user presses yes, AJ software immediately becomes installed, without further confirmation.


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Alternative Installation Method: ActiveX Popups

Not all Ask Jeeves installations include the "installation details" step shown above. See, for example, the popup shown below, which I received while browsing the site in March 2005. A single press of the Yes button in this popup installs AJ software, without any further information, disclosures, or confirmation.